This blog is our journey after Austin was dx'd with autism shortly before his 2nd birthday.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Homemade Marshallows
Saturday, June 9, 2012
We're back & on Feingold
Time flies when you're having fun (or just living life with 2 kiddos). Anyway, we're back after a little over a year. Our DAN! dr. said we could challenge the GFCF diet after several years of eating that way. We started eating GFCF when Austin was a little over 2 years old and to be honest, it was very difficult to tell what was progress from the diet and what was progress from maturity and therapy. We had no baseline of what his real behavior was like and knowing that some people can eventually tolerate eating gluten and casein, we wanted to try. We ran all the panels again and they came back pretty normal so the Dr. said to eat what we wanted for a year and then to come back and run the panels again. Oh boy! At first things did not change at all - success, right? I think I ended up being wrong but only time will tell. I have no idea when I noticed but Austin's behavior was out of control. He was extremely hyper and driving me bananas on a daily basis. Not only this, but at school, he started the year off okay but has regressed over the school year. In February, we started the Feingold diet (read more @ This seemed to help at first as Austin became very calm and was no longer jumping on the couch or climbing the stairs constantly. He was also walking around instead of in constant motion. But as time went on, those things slowly returned even though I was very strict about his diet. Other followers of Feingold say that this is much like peeling an onion - there are layers. So Feingold was enough to get started, then we eliminated corn syrup, msg, and nitrates. Now it's time to go another step further - back to GFCF. I will miss eating all this "normal" food but after coming back to my blog and all the other GF(CF) blogs that I used to follow, I know I can do it again. Hopefully we will be back on track again very soon!
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