I went away for a few days to meet up with my husband in Baltimore. I took Kaitlin and had my grandma fly in to keep Austin so he wouldn't have to miss any of those therapy sessions I worked oh so hard to get. And when I came home, I got the best surprise ever. Austin is now doing some nonverbal AND verbal imitation!!! This is so huge to me b/c I am so hopefull the sounds will one day become words.
For the "ba" and "mm" sounds they are just asking him if they are using objects or looking at pictures that begin with those sounds, like the Monkey book or playing with balls or getting him to say book. Then they'll say "ah", "oo", "ee", "ssss" and ask him to do the same and he is getting those expecially "ah" and "ee" and he is really trying to do they others. Then for the nonverbal imitation, they do things like patting their heads, touching their lips, opening and closing mouth, and sticking out tongue and he repeated them all CORRECTLY when asked. It's so very exciting!!!