Thursday, November 20, 2008


Here's just a small update as to what all Austin is doing and what we are currently working on:

Blue, Green, Yellow, One, Two, Three, Bubbles, Juice, Bye

Animal Sounds:
Moo, Woof-Woof, Quack, Cluck, Gobble Gobble, Nay, SSS

He also has tons of word approximations and imitation going on. We are also working on safety rules outside (crossing street/holding hands/stopping), and other outings such as parks and stores so that Austin learns to wait and also has the oppurtunity to be around other children.

He is also able to use PECS effectively and knows all the pictures.

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

Wow, his speech is really coming along..that's GREAT!!! :)