Friday, January 11, 2008

Time Outs Work for Us!

Austin's tantrums seem to have gotten really bad. He doesn't do them alot but when he does, he hits anything in sight (including me) and he will also throw things. I had been reading on how to redirect or what else I can do b/c simply saying no or ignoring the behavior was not helping. I also tried to take his hands and say "gentle" while showing him how to stroke with his hand and not hit. That works sometimes but if he is too mad, he continues to hit. I decided that we would try time out and very very thankfully it has worked. He is only 2 and I don't think he understands time out but what I have been doing when he starts to hit is, tell him no hitting. If he hits again, I say no hitting, we are going to time out. I then take him over to the wall in our living room that has nothing against it (so he can't play) and I sit with him while holding his hands down so he can not hit and I count to 10. After I reach 10, I get up and he is also free to go. We have only done this twice in the past few days (that is all that was needed) and both times, he was much more calm afterwards and did not hit again.

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