Saturday, September 29, 2007

A heartbreaking yet inspirational read

I started and finished "Louder Than Words" today. It made me cry several times because I know personally what it is like to be going through some of those same situations. No, we don't have a dx and we may or may not at some point but it is hard to read about the things your child is experiencing and knowing that it may be autism. However, I really did find inspiration and hope in the book; Knowing that if it does come down to Austin being on the spectrum, there is possibly a way to treat him and make him feel at his best. I am already on my way down that path by starting the GFCF diet, having him in EI therapy, and by seeing a developmental pediatrician. A must read for parents who have children with Autism and want to try or believe in an alternative treatment for our children.

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